Wednesday, May 16, 2007

C++ - guides and links



GCC compiler documents: (all) Very useful documentation on Gcc
Thinking in C++ (beginner): a very good introduction to standard C++; book available for free download; also available in print
Teach Yourself C++: (beginner-intermediate) A very thorough C++ tutorial (basically a free book)
Programmer Heaven C++ Page: (beginner-advanced) Tons of useful links
C++ FAQ LITE (intermediate-advanced): covers a wide variety of C++ topics (a C++ introduction is suggested before reading)
cPlusPlus: (intermediate) Great C++ reference (Covers many subjects)
Cpp Reference: (advanced) Covers standard C library, and STL
MakeFile Tutorial: (beginner-intermediate) Makefile introduction tutorial
Ubuntu GameDev Wiki: (intermediate) Helpful game development HOWTO's

Useful library tutorials/homepages:

Linux Journal Article: (advanced) Article on embedding python into C++ programs
wxWidgets: Cross platform GUI library
GTK: Cross platform GUI library
Lode's Computer Graphics Tutorials: (advanced) Very interesting graphical tutorials with C++ source code
SDL: Great cross platform library (Graphics (2d/3d), sound, input/output, more...)
LightHouse3d GLUT page: (intermediate) Great info on GLUT (Cross platform OpenGL toolkit)
NeHe: (intermediate) Amazing OpenGL examples (most of which include linux compatible downloads (including makefiles))

I'll add more to this later, and anyone who wants me to add something, PM me a link and a description.

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