1. What is the most efficient way to reverse a linklist?
2. How to sort & search a single linklist?
3. Which is more convenient - single or double-linked linklist? Discuss the trade-offs? What about XOR-linked linklist?
4. How does indexing work?
5. char s[10];
What will be the output? Is there any error with this code?
6. What is the difference between
char s[]="Hello";
char *s="Hello";
Please give a clear idea on this?
7. Why do we pass a reference for copy constructors? If it does shallow copy for pass by value (user defined object), how will it do the deep copy?
8. What is the difference between shallow copy & deep copy?
9. What is the difference between strcpy and memcpy? What rule should we follow when choosing between these two?
10. If we declare two variable and two applications are using the same variable, then what will its value be, will it be the same?
Posted in: C++ |
12 Responses to “Simple C++ interview questions”
1. Hemanth Says:
December 12th, 2007 at 8:15 am
5. The declaration char s[10] implies that ’s’ has a fixed adrress in memory i.e it is a constant pointer. The right hand operand produces a pointer to a memory location that holds the character string “Hello”. Thus, it is clear from this code that there is an attempt to modify a constant pointer by assigning it an address. This will give compilation error.
char s[]=”Hello”;
char *s=”Hello”;
The only difference between the two statements is that the former is declaring a “constant pointer to a variable string” while the latter is declaring a “variable pointer to constant string”.
i) char s[] = “Hello”; ’s’ is constant pointer
we can change its contents like
s[0] = ‘b’, s[1]=’y', s[2] = ‘e’ ..so on
ii) char *s = “Hello”; ’s’ is a variable pointer.
we cannot change its contents like above. Doing so produces run time errors.
2. Ashutosh Agrawal Says:
January 5th, 2008 at 2:26 am
#1. The most efficient way to reverse a linked list is thorough recursion.
void rev(struct node *list)
if (list->next==NULL)return;
#2. Searching a linked list is a very easy concept, just traverse each node till the next node pointer value is NULL and see if the value in the node matched the one we have to search or not.
Sorting a linked list can be a bit complicated though, we can use bubble sort technique and swap values using functions.
#3. A singly linked list can be very easy to handle but it can be traversed in one direction only whereas a douly linked list can be traversed in both reverse and forward direction. Thus a doubly linked list is advantageous over singly linked list.
#5. The error here is that the assignment used here that is s=”hello”; is not correct. either we will have to change the declaration to char *s; or we will have to use the function strcpy(s,”hello”); to do such assignment.
3. JLF Says:
January 12th, 2008 at 4:34 pm
“ii) char *s = “Hello”; ’s’ is a variable pointer.
we cannot change its contents like above. Doing so produces run time errors”
You can certainly change anything you want cause you have a pointer to a memory buffer. Since you know its chars you can directly access the memory address of s….
char *pString = NULL;
*((&pString)) = “Some silly string\n”;
char *pStringT = “Hello\n”;
*((&pStringT)) = “Some silly string\n”;
4. M Imtiaz Sharif Says:
January 18th, 2008 at 5:51 am
1) The best way to reverse the link list is through recursion, code is as follow:
void reverseLinkList (Node *node)
if(node -> next == null)
reverseLinkList (node -> next);
node -> next -> next = node;
2) Searching in the link list is simple, just traverse its node one by one and compare each node value with ur required value,
You can use loop for it or the recursion
As far sorting is required, i think applying bubble sort on the list is much convenient, cpde is as follow:
void sortLinkList (Node *headNode)
if(headNode == null)
bool sortingComplete = false;
for(Node *temp1 = headNode; temp1 != null; )
sortingComplete = true;
for(Node *temp2 = temp1 -> next; temp2 != null;)
if(temp1 -> value > temp2 -> value)
sortingComplete = false;
temp1 = headNode;
temp2 = temp1 -> next;
(i havn’t run this code but i m sure that it will work exact fine)
3) Single Link list is just the one way flow of the nodes while in double link list u can traverse forward or backward.
If u r good with pointers and their trade offs than i sugguest use double link list as handling data with them is much easier.
No idea abt XOR link list
5) The output will be only ‘H’, as in the char[], the name ’s’ only points to the first byte of the array.
6) First one is a const pointer to a const memory
Where second one is dynamic pointer to a const memory
8) User has created its own class now two ways to explain this….
– if there is no pointer use as an attribute of the class, than both deep copy & shallow copy are the same
– but if their is any pointer use as an attribute than behaviour of both will be diff….shallow copy will only create new reference and will
refer it to the same memory location where the previous one is pointing, means single memory location poited by two pointers…..where deep
copy will also allocate new memory for the new reference and then will copy the contents of the first memory location to the second one.
10) it depends on the scope of the variable , if its scope is of application level than both will get different copies of the variable…but if it is a system variable or scope not restricted to a single application than both will recieve same value/copy.
5. pavan Says:
January 25th, 2008 at 11:36 am
7. whenever you do a pass by value copy constructor is called. So if u pass by value for a copy constructor it again invokes itself and it will be a continuos process with getting an un ending loop. so copy constructor is always pass by refrence. deep cpy is done using copy constructor
6. Chris Taylor Says:
January 25th, 2008 at 5:42 pm
1) Not sure that recursion is the best answer … creates a lot of extra space on the call stack.
void reverseLinkList (Node *node)
Node* C = NULL;
Node* B = node;
Node* A = node;
//handle the case where there’s only 1 element
B->next = C;
//reset node so it’s the new head
node = C;
thoughts, suggestions?
Christopher Taylor
7. Saurabh Gupta Says:
March 3rd, 2008 at 8:24 am
Agreed with Christopher; recursion may not be best choice for a big list. However, I found the implementations given using recursion in earlier answers were not correct. And this bugged me and I wrote this one (suggestions?):
void RevertRecursively(Node* n, Node* &reversedList)
if(NULL == n->pNext->pNext)
n->pNext->pNext = n;
reversedList = n->pNext;
RevertRecursively(n->pNext, reversedList);
n->pNext->pNext = n;
void Revert(Node* &n)
if(NULL == n || NULL == n->pNext)
return; //none or single element do nothing
Node * reversedList = NULL;
RevertRecursively(n, reversedList);
n->pNext = NULL;
n = reversedList;
void Print(Node* n)
cosidering the two facts
if we prefer recursion,stack consumption goes very high(repeted function call);
time spent in calling and returning;
10. Balwinder Says:
March 15th, 2008 at 12:56 pm
8. In shallow copy, we have one memory location shared by two or more variables. In deep copy, each copy of a variable will have its own memory different from other, though the contents will be same. Confussion!! Let me clearify with an example.
void makecopy(userdefined* obj)
userdefined* newCopy = obj//Shallow copy. //Points to same memory as the argument
//Deep copy……allocates memory and copy the contents
void makeDeepcopy(userdefined* obj)
userdefined* deepcopy = new userdefined();
deepcopy->data = obj->data;
11. algorithms Says:
March 16th, 2008 at 1:54 pm
10> This is a typical question about thread synchronization. For example, let the two variables be a and b, and the operations be a++ and b++, which happen in both threads.
a++ can be viewed as:
read a;
increment a;
write a;
Thus, while thread 1 has read and incremented a, if thread 2 gets scheduled and writes a back, we have a problem because 1’s values is now stale.
12. Michael Cornell Says:
March 18th, 2008 at 12:01 am
1>Fastest time is O(n). Recursion is the easiest implementation :
List * pHead;
List* Inverse(List* p) {
if (p->next == NULL) {// so this is the new Head
pHead = p; //or st along that line.
return p;
return p;
int main () {
// initialize a sample list.
List *pBottom = Inverse(pHead);
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