Friday, March 28, 2008

Component Object Model (COM)

Component Object Model - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Component Object Model (COM) is an interface standard for software componentry introduced by Microsoft in 1993. It is used to enable interprocess communication and dynamic object creation in any programming language that supports the technology. The term COM is often used in the software development industry as an umbrella term that encompasses the OLE, OLE Automation, ActiveX, COM+ and DCOM technologies.

The essence of COM is a language-neutral way of implementing objects which can be used in environments different from the one they were created in, even across machine boundaries. For well-authored components, COM allows reuse of objects with no knowledge of their internal implementation because it forces component implementers to provide well-defined interfaces that are separate from the implementation. The different allocation semantics of languages are accommodated by making objects responsible for their own creation and destruction through reference-counting. Casting between different interfaces of an object is achieved through the QueryInterface() function. The preferred method of inheritance within COM is the creation of sub-objects to which method calls are delegated.

Although the interface standard has been implemented on several platforms, COM is primarily used with Microsoft Windows. COM is expected to be replaced to at least some extent by the Microsoft .NET framework, and support for Web Services through the Windows Communication Foundation (WCF). However, COM objects can still be used with all .NET languages without problems. Networked DCOM uses binary proprietary formats, while WCF encourages the use of XML-based SOAP messaging. COM is very similar to other component software interface standards, such as CORBA and Java Beans, although each has its own strengths and weaknesses. It is likely that the characteristics of COM make it most suitable for the development and deployment of desktop applications, for which it was originally designed.


One of the first methods of interprocess communication in Windows was DDE which allowed sending and receiving messages in so-called "conversations" between applications. This technology was the base of OLE (Object Linking and Embedding) which in turn was one of the leading technologies introduced with Windows 3.0. Text conversations and Windows messages proved not to be as flexible as to allow sharing application features in a robust and extensible way. By the time version 3.1 of Windows was released, COM was created as a new foundation and OLE changed to OLE2.

Visual Basic introduced the VBX (packaged extensions in the form of dynamically linked libraries) which allowed the creation of objects to be graphically placed in a form and manipulated by properties and methods. These were later adapted for use by other languages such as Visual C++. OLE custom controls (OCXs) would be the replacement for the widely popular VBX.

Antony Williams, one of the more notable thinkers involved in the creation of the COM architecture, distributed a couple of internal papers in Microsoft that embraced the concept of software components; Object Architecture: Dealing With the Unknown – or – Type Safety in a Dynamically Extensible Class Library in 1988 and On Inheritance: What It Means and How To Use It in 1990. These provided the foundation of many, if not all, of the ideas behind the basics of COM.

From many of these ideas spawned Microsoft's first object-based framework, OLE, which is short for Object Linking and Embedding. OLE was built on top of dynamic data exchange (DDE) and designed specifically for compound documents. It was introduced with Word for Windows and Excel in 1991, and was later included with Windows, starting with version 3.1 in 1992. An example of a compound document is a spreadsheet embedded in a Word for Windows document; as changes are made to the spreadsheet within Excel, they appear automatically inside the Word document.

In 1991, Microsoft introduced Visual Basic Extensions (VBX) with Visual Basic 1.0.

In 1993, Microsoft released OLE 2 with underlying object model. While OLE 1 was focused on compound documents, COM and OLE 2 were designed to address software components in general. In 1994 OLE controls (OCX) were introduced as the successor to VBX controls. At the same time, Microsoft stated that OLE 2 would just be known as "OLE", and that OLE was no longer an acronym, but a name for all of the company's component technologies.

In early 1996, Microsoft found a new use for OLE Custom Controls, expanding their Web browser's capability to present content, renamed some parts of OLE relating to the Internet ActiveX, and gradually renamed all OLE technologies to ActiveX, except the compound document technology that was used in Microsoft Office. Later that year, DCOM was introduced as an answer to CORBA.

Related technologies

COM was the major software development platform for Windows and, as such, influenced development of a number of supporting technologies.


In order to provide developers with support for distributed transactions, resource pooling, disconnected applications, event publication and subscription, better memory and processor (threads) management, as well as to position Windows as an alternative to other enterprise-level operating systems, Microsoft introduced a technology called Microsoft Transaction Server on Windows NT Service Pack 4.

With Windows 2000, that significant extension to COM was incorporated into the operating system (as opposed to the series of external tools provided by MTS) and renamed COM+. At the same time, Microsoft deemphasized DCOM as a separate entity. Transactional COM components were then handled more directly by the added layer of COM+. COM+ components were then added through the Component Services application interface.

An advantage of COM+ was that it could be run in "component farms". A component, if coded properly, could be reused by new calls to its initializing routine without unloading it from memory. Components could also be distributed (called from another machine) as was previously only possible with DCOM.

COM+ also introduced a subscriber/publisher event mechanism called COM+ Events, and provided a new way of leveraging MSMQ (inter-application asynchronous messaging) with components called Queued Components. COM+ events extend the COM+ programming model to support late-bound events or method calls between the publisher or subscriber and the event system.


The COM platform has largely been superseded by the Microsoft .NET initiative, and Microsoft now focuses its marketing efforts on .NET. COM was often used to hook up complex, high performance code to front end code implemented in Visual Basic or ASP.

To some extent, COM is now deprecated in favor of .NET. Since .NET provides rapid development tools similar to Visual Basic for both Windows Forms and Web Forms with just-in-time compilation, back-end code can be implemented in any .NET Language including C#, Visual Basic and C++.

Despite this, COM remains a viable technology with an important software base. As of this writing, Microsoft has no plans for discontinuing either COM or support for COM. COM is also ideal for script control of applications such as Office or Internet Explorer since it provides an interface for calling COM object methods from a script rather than requiring knowing the API at compile time. The GUID system developed for COM has wide uses any time a unique ID is needed.

Several of the services that COM+ provides, such as transactions and queued components, are still important for enterprise .NET applications.

There is limited support for backward compatibility. A COM object may be used in .NET by implementing a runtime callable wrapper (RCW). [1] .NET objects that conform to certain interface restrictions may be used in COM objects by calling a COM callable wrapper (CCW). [2] From both the COM and .NET sides, objects using the other technology appear as native objects.

.NET's remoting model solves a number of COM's remote execution shortcomings, allowing objects to be transparently marshalled by reference or value across process or machine boundaries.

Internet security

Microsoft's idea of embedding active content on web pages as COM/ActiveX components (rather than e.g. Java applets) created a combination of problems in the Internet Explorer web browser that has led to an explosion of computer virus, trojan and spyware infections. These malware attacks mostly depend on ActiveX for their activation and propagation to other computers. Microsoft recognized the problem with ActiveX as far back as 1996 when Charles Fitzgerald, program manager of Microsoft's Java team said "If you want security on the 'Net', unplug your computer. … We never made the claim up front that ActiveX is intrinsically secure." [3] As COM and ActiveX components are run as native code on the user's machine, there are fewer restrictions on what the code can do. Many of these problems have been addressed by the introduction of "code Signing" (based on digital signatures), and later by the .NET platform as well. Also, before an ActiveX control is installed, the user is prompted whether to allow the installation or not, enabling the user to disallow the installation of controls from sites that the user doesn't trust. Additionally, it is possible to disable ActiveX controls altogether, or to only allow a selected few.

Technical details

COM programmers build their software using COM-aware components. Different component types are identified by class IDs (CLSIDs), which are Globally Unique Identifiers, or GUIDs. Each COM component exposes its functionality through one or more interfaces. The different interfaces supported by a component are distinguished from each other using interface IDs (IIDs), which are also GUIDs.

COM interfaces have bindings in several languages, such as C, C++, Visual Basic, and several of the scripting languages implemented on the Windows platform. All access to components is done through the methods of the interfaces. This allows techniques such as inter-process, or even inter-computer programming (the latter using the support of DCOM).


All COM components must (at the very least) implement the standard IUnknown interface, and thus all COM interfaces are derived from IUnknown. The IUnknown interface consists of three methods: AddRef() and Release(), which implement reference counting and controls the lifetime of interfaces; and QueryInterface(), which by specifying an IID allows a caller to retrieve references to the different interfaces the component implements. The effect of QueryInterface() is similar to dynamic_cast<> in C++ or casts in Java and C#.

A COM component's interfaces are required to exhibit the reflexive, symmetric, and transitive properties. The reflexive property refers to the ability for the QueryInterface() call on a given interface with the interface's ID to return the same instance of the interface. The symmetric property requires that when interface B is retrieved from interface A via QueryInterface(), interface A is retrievable from interface B as well. The transitive property is similar to the symmetric property, but requires that if interface B is obtainable from interface A and interface C is obtainable from interface B, then interface C should be retrievable from interface A.

An interface consists of a pointer to a virtual function table that contains a list of pointers to the functions that implement the functions declared in the interface, in the same order that they are declared in the interface. This technique of passing structures of function pointers is very similar to the one used by OLE 1.0 to communicate with its system libraries.

COM specifies many other standard interfaces used to allow inter-component communication. For example, one such interface is IStream, which is exposed by components that have data stream semantics (e.g. a FileStream component used to read or write files). It has the expected Read and Write methods to perform stream reads and writes. Another standard interface is IOleObject, which is exposed by components that expect to be linked or embedded into a container. IOleObject contains methods that allow callers to determine the size of the component's bounding rectangle, whether the component supports operations like 'Open', 'Save' and so on.


A class in COM is referred to as a coclass which is the contracted form of Component Object class. A coclass is COM's language-independent way of defining a class in the object-oriented sense.

A coclass supplies concrete implementation(s) of one or more interfaces. In COM, such concrete implementations can be written in any programming language that supports COM component development, e.g. C++, Visual Basic, etc.

One of COM's major contributions to the world of Windows development is the awareness of the concept of separation of interface from implementation. This awareness has no doubt influenced the way programmers build systems today. An extension of this fundamental concept is the notion of one interface, multiple implementations. This means that at runtime, an application can choose to instantiate an interface from one of many different concrete implementations.

Interface Definition Language and type libraries

Type libraries contain metadata that represent COM types. However, these types must first be described using Microsoft Interface Definition Language.

This is the common practice in the development of a COM component, i.e. to start with the definition of types using IDL. An IDL file is what COM provides that allows developers to define object-oriented classes, interfaces, structures, enumerations and other user-defined types in a language independent manner. COM IDL is similar in appearance to C/C++ declarations with the addition of keywords such as "interface" and "library" for defining interfaces and collections of classes, respectively. IDL also requires the use of bracketed attributes before declarations to provide additional information, such as the GUIDs of interfaces and the relationships between pointer parameters and length fields.

The IDL file is compiled by the MIDL compiler into a pair of forms for consumption from various languages. For C/C++, the MIDL compiler generates a compiler-independent header file containing struct definitions to match the vtbls of the declared interfaces and a C file containing declarations of the interface GUIDs. C++ source code for a proxy module can also be generated by the MIDL compiler. This proxy contains method stubs for converting COM calls into Remote Procedure Calls, thus enabling DCOM.

An IDL file may also be compiled by the MIDL compiler into a type library (.TLB file). The binary metadata contained within the type library is meant to be processed by language compilers and runtime environments (e.g. VB, Delphi, the .NET CLR etc). The end result of such TLB processing is that language-specific constructs are produced that represent the COM class defined in the .TLB (and ultimately that which was defined in the originating IDL file).

COM as an object framework

The fundamental principles of COM have their roots in Object-Oriented philosophies. It is a platform for the realization of Object-Oriented Development and Deployment.

Because COM is a runtime framework, types have to be individually identifiable and specifiable at runtime. To achieve this, globally unique identifiers (GUIDs) are used. Each COM type is designated its own GUID for identification at runtime (vis compile time).

In order that information on COM types be accessible at both compile time and runtime, COM presents the type library. It is through the effective use of type libraries that COM achieves its capabilities as a dynamic framework for the interaction of objects.

Consider the following example coclass definition in an IDL :

coclass MyObject


[default] interface IMyObject;

[default, source] dispinterface _IMyObjectEvents;


The above code fragment declares a COM class named MyObject which must implement an interface named IMyObject and which supports (not implements) the event interface _IMyObjectEvents.

Ignoring the event interface bit, this is conceptually equivalent to defining a C++ class like this :

class CSomeObject : public ISomeInterface






where ISomeInterface is a C++ pure virtual class.

Referring once again to the MyObject COM class: once a coclass definition for it has been formalized in an IDL, and a Type Library compiled from it, the onus is on the individual language compiler to read and appropriately interpret this Type Library and then produce whatever code (in the specific compiler's language) necessary for a developer to implement and ultimately produce the binary executable code which can be deemed by COM to be of coclass MyObject.

Once an implementation of a COM coclass is built and is available in the system, next comes the question of how to instantiate it. Now, in languages like C++, we can use the CoCreateInstance() API in which we specify the CLSID (CLSID_MyObject) of the coclass as well as the interface (specified by the IID IID_IMyObject) from that coclass that we want to use to interact with that coclass. Calling CoCreateInstance() like this:






is conceptually equivalent to the following C++ code :

ISomeInterface* pISomeInterface = new CSomeObject();

In the first case, we are saying to the COM sub-system that we want to obtain a pointer to an object that implements the IMyObject interface and we want coclass CLSID_MyObject's particular implementation of this interface. In the second case, we are saying that we want to create an instance of a C++ class that implements the interface ISomeInterface and we are using CSomeObject as that C++ class.

A coclass, then, is an object-oriented class in the COM world. The main feature of the coclass is that it is (1) binary in nature and consequently (2) programming language-independent.


In Windows, COM classes, interfaces and type libraries are listed by GUIDs in the registry, under HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\CLSID for classes and HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\interface for interfaces. The COM libraries use the registry to locate either the correct local libraries for each COM object or the network location for a remote service.

Reference counting

The most fundamental COM interface of all, i.e. IUnknown (from which all COM interfaces must be derived), supports two main concepts: feature exploration through the QueryInterface method, and object lifetime management by including AddRef() and Release(). Reference counts and feature exploration apply to objects (not to each interface on an object) and thus must have a centralized implementation.

The COM specifications require a technique called reference counting to ensure that individual objects remain alive as long as there are clients which have acquired access to one or more of its interfaces and, conversely, that the same object is properly disposed of when all code that used the object have finished with it and no longer require it. A COM object is responsible for freeing its own memory once its reference count drops to zero.

For its implementation, a COM Object usually maintains an integer value that is used for reference counting. When AddRef() is called via any of object's interfaces, this integer value gets incremented. When Release() is called, this integer gets decremented. AddRef() and Release() are the only means by which a client of a COM object is able to influence its lifetime. The internal integer value remains a private member of the COM object and will never be directly accessible.

The purpose of AddRef() is to indicate to the COM object that an additional reference to itself has been affected and hence it is necessary to remain alive as long as this reference is still valid. Conversely, the purpose of Release() is to indicate to the COM object that a client (or a part of the client's code) has no further need for it and hence if this reference count has dropped to zero, it may be time to destroy itself.

Certain languages (e.g. Visual Basic) provide automatic reference counting so that COM object developers need not explicitly maintain any internal reference counter in their source codes. Using COM in C, explicit reference counting is needed. In C++ you can do it by yourself or choose to use a smart pointer that will manage all the reference counting for you.

The following is a general guideline calling AddRef() and Release() to facilitate proper reference counting in COM object :

  • Functions (whether object methods or global functions) that return interface references (via return value or via "out" parameter) should increment the reference count of the underlying object before returning. Hence internally within the function or method, AddRef() is called on the interface reference (to be returned). An example of this is the QueryInterface() method of the IUnknown interface. Hence it is imperative that developers be aware that the returned interface reference has already been reference count incremented and not call AddRef() on the returned interface reference yet another time.
  • Release() must be called on an interface reference before that interface's pointer is overwritten or goes out of scope.
  • If a copy is made on an interface reference pointer, AddRef() should be called on that pointer. After all, in this case, we are actually creating another reference on the underlying object.
  • AddRef() and Release() must be called on the specific interface which is being referenced since an object may implement per-interface reference counts in order to allocate internal resources only for the interfaces which are being referenced.
  • Extra calls to these functions are not sent out to remote objects over the wire; a proxy keeps only one reference on the remote object and maintains its own local reference count.

To facilitate and promote COM development, Microsoft introduced ATL (Active Template Library) for C++ developers. ATL provides for a higher-level COM development paradigm. It also shields COM client application developers from the need to directly maintain reference counting by providing smart pointer objects.

Other libraries and languages that are COM-aware include the Microsoft Foundation Classes, VBScript, Visual Basic, ECMAScript (JavaScript) and Borland Delphi.


COM standardizes the instantiation (i.e. creation) process of COM objects by requiring the use of Class Factories. In order for a COM object to be created, two associated items must exist :

  • A Class ID.
  • A Class Factory.

Each COM Class or CoClass must be associated with a unique Class ID (a GUID). It must also be associated with its own Class Factory (that is achieved by using a centralized registry). A Class Factory is itself a COM object. It is an object that must expose the IClassFactory or IClassFactory2 (the latter with licensing support) interface. The responsibility of such an object is to create other objects.

A class factory object is usually contained within the same executable code (i.e. the server code) as the COM object itself. When a class factory is called upon to create a target object, this target object's class id must be provided. This is how the class factory knows which class of object to instantiate.

A single class factory object may create objects of more than one class. That is, two objects of different class ids may be created by the same class factory object. However, this is transparent to the COM system.

By delegating the responsibility of object creation into a separate object, a greater level of abstraction is promoted, and the developer is given greater flexibility. For example, implementation of the Singleton and other creation patterns is facilitated. Also, the calling application is shielded from the COM object's memory allocation semantics by the factory object.

In order for client applications to be able to acquire class factory objects, COM servers must properly expose them. A class factory is exposed differently, depending on the nature of the server code. A server which is DLL-based must export a DllGetClassObject() global function. A server which is EXE-based registers the class factory at runtime via the CoRegisterClassObject() Windows API function.

The following is a general outline of the sequence of object creation via its class factory :

  1. The object's class factory is obtained via the CoGetClassObject() API (a standard Windows API).
    As part of the call to CoGetClassObject(), the Class ID of the object (to be created) must be supplied. The following C++ code demonstrates this:

2. IClassFactory* pIClassFactory = NULL;


4. CoGetClassObject(CLSID_SomeObject,


6. NULL,

7. IID_IClassFactory,

8. (LPVOID*)&pIClassFactory);

The above code indicates that the Class Factory object of a COM object, which is identified by the class id CLSID_SomeObject, is required. This class factory object is returned by way of its IClassFactory interface.

  1. The returned class factory object is then requested to create an instance of the originally intended COM object. The following C++ code demonstrates this:

10. ISomeObject* pISomeObject = NULL;


12. if (pIClassFactory)

13. {

14. pIClassFactory->CreateInstance (NULL,

15. IID_ISomeObject,

16. (LPVOID*)&pISomeObject);


18. pIClassFactory->Release();


20. pIClassFactory = NULL;

21. }

The above code indicates the use of the Class Factory object's CreateInstance() method to create an object which exposes an interface identified by the IID_ISomeObject GUID. A pointer to the ISomeObject interface of this object is returned. Also note that because the class factory object is itself a COM object, it needs to be released when it is no longer required (i.e. its Release() method must be called).

The above demonstrates, at the most basic level, the use of a class factory to instantiate an object. Higher level constructs are also available, some of which do not even involve direct use of the Windows APIs.

For example, the CoCreateInstance() API can be used by an application to directly create a COM object without acquiring the object's class factory. However, internally, the CoCreateInstance() API itself will invoke the CoGetClassObject() API to obtain the object's class factory and then use the class factory's CreateInstance() method to create the COM object.

VBScript supplies the New keyword as well as the CreateObject() global function for object instantiation. These language constructs encapsulate the acquisition of the class factory object of the target object (via the CoGetClassObject() API) followed by the invocation of the IClassFactory::CreateInstance() method.

Other languages, e.g. PowerBuilder's PowerScript may also provide their own high-level object creation constructs. However, CoGetClassObject() and the IClassFactory interface remain the most fundamental object creation technique.


At the time of the inception of COM technologies, the only way for a client to find out what features an object would offer, was to actually create one instance and call into its QueryInterface method (part of the required IUnknown interface).

This way of exploration became awkward for many applications, including the selection of appropriate components for a certain task, and tools to help a developer understand how to use methods provided by an object.

As a result, COM Type Libraries were introduced, through which components can describe themselves. A type library contains information such as the CLSID of a component, the IIDs of the interfaces the component implements, and descriptions of each of the methods of those interfaces. Type libraries are typically used by Rapid Application Development (RAD) environments such as Visual Basic or Visual Studio to assist developers of client applications.


COM is a binary standard (also said to be language agnostic) and may be developed in any programming language capable of understanding and implementing its binary defined data types and interfaces.

Runtime libraries (in extreme situations, the programmers) are responsible for entering and leaving the COM environment, instantiating and reference counting COM objects, querying objects for version information, coding to take advantage of advanced object versions, and coding graceful degradation of function when newer versions aren't available.

Application and network transparency

COM objects may be instantiated and referenced from within a process, across process boundaries within a computer, and across a network, using the DCOM technology. Out-of-process and remote objects may use marshalling to send method calls and return values back and forth. The marshalling is invisible to the object and the code using the object.

Threading in COM

In COM, threading issues are addressed by a concept known as "apartment models". Here the term "apartment" refers to an execution context wherein a single thread or a group of threads is associated with one or more COM objects.

Apartments stipulate the following general guidelines for participating threads and objects:

  • Each COM object is associated with one and only one apartment. This is decided at the time the object is created at runtime. After this initial setup, the object remains in that apartment throughout its lifetime.
  • A COM thread (i.e., a thread in which COM objects are created or COM method calls are made) is also associated with an apartment. Like COM objects, the apartment with which a thread is associated is also decided at initialization time. Each COM thread also remains in its designated apartment until it terminates.
  • Threads and objects which belong to the same apartment are said to follow the same thread access rules. Method calls which are made inside the same apartment are performed directly without any assistance from COM.
  • Threads and objects from different apartments are said to play by different thread access rules. Method calls made across apartments are achieved via marshalling. This requires the use of proxies and stubs.

There are three types of Apartment Models in the COM world: Single-Threaded Apartment (STA), Multi-Threaded Apartment (MTA), and Neutral Apartment. Each apartment represents one mechanism whereby an object's internal state may be synchronized across multiple threads.

The Single-Threaded Apartment (STA) model is a very commonly used model. Here, a COM object stands in a position similar to a desktop application's user interface. In an STA model, a single thread is dedicated to drive an object's methods, i.e. a single thread is always used to execute the methods of the object. In such an arrangement, method calls from threads outside of the apartment are marshalled and automatically queued by the system (via a standard Windows message queue). Thus, there is no worry about race conditions or lack of synchronicity because each method call of an object is always executed to completion before another is invoked.

If the COM object's methods perform their own synchronization, multiple threads dedicated to calling methods on the COM object are permitted. This is termed the Multiple Threaded Apartment (MTA). Calls to an MTA object from a thread in an STA are also marshaled. A process can consist of multiple COM objects, some of which may use STA and others of which may use MTA. The Thread Neutral Apartment allows different threads, none of which is necessarily dedicated to calling methods on the object, to make such calls. The only proviso is that all methods on the object must be serially reentrant.


Since COM has a fairly complex implementation, programmers can be distracted by some of the "plumbing" issues.

Message pumping

When an STA is initialized it creates a hidden window that is used for inter-apartment and inter-process message routing. This window must have its message queue regularly pumped. This construct is known as a message pump. On earlier versions of Windows, failure to do so could cause system-wide deadlocks. This problem is especially nasty because some Windows APIs initialize COM as part of their implementation, which causes a leak of implementation details.

Reference counting

Reference counting within COM may cause problems if two or more objects are circularly referenced. The design of an application must take this into account so that objects are not left orphaned.

Objects may also be left with active reference counts if the COM "event sink" model is used. Since the object that fires the event needs a reference to the object reacting to the event, the object's reference count will never reach zero.

Reference cycles are typically broken using either out-of-band termination or split identities. In the out of band termination technique, an object exposes a method which, when called, forces it to drop its references to other objects, thereby breaking the cycle. In the split identity technique, a single implementation exposes two separate COM objects (also known as identities). This creates a weak reference between the COM objects, preventing a reference cycle.

DLL hell

Because the location of each component is stored in a system-wide location (the Windows registry), there can be only one version of a certain component installed. This limitation can seriously complicate the deployment of COM-based applications, due to the possibility that different programs, or different versions of the same program, might require two or more different versions of the same COM component. The existence of this condition is known as DLL hell. While this condition has been known to occur with OS components, it is generally a condition created by application developers in the use of their own components. The problem can be reduced or eliminated completely by careful Software versioning and regression testing.

Windows XP introduced a new mode of COM object registration called "Registration-free COM". This facility makes it possible for applications that need to install COM objects to store all the required COM registry information in the application's directory, instead of in the global registry, where, strictly speaking only a single application will ever use it. DLL hell can be substantially avoided using Registration-free COM, the only limitation being it requires at least Windows XP or later Windows versions and that it must not be used for EXE COM servers or system-wide components such as MDAC, MSXML, DirectX or Internet Explorer.


See also

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Multithreading with C++ and MFC

Multithreading with C++ and MFC from MSDN

The Microsoft Foundation Class Library (MFC) provides support for multithreaded applications. This article describes what processes and threads are, and MFC's approach to multithreading.

A "process" is an executing instance of an application. For example, when you double-click the Notepad icon, you start a process that runs Notepad.

A "thread" is a path of execution within a process. When you start Notepad, the operating system creates a process and begins executing the primary thread of that process. When this thread terminates, so does the process. This primary thread is supplied to the operating system by the startup code in the form of a function address. Usually, it is the address of the main or WinMain function that is supplied.

You can create additional threads in your application if you wish. You may want to do this to handle background or maintenance tasks when you don't want the user to wait for them to complete. All threads in MFC applications are represented by CWinThread objects. In most situations, you don't even have to explicitly create these objects; instead call the framework helper function AfxBeginThread, which creates the CWinThread object for you.

MFC distinguishes two types of threads: user-interface threads and worker threads. User-interface threads are commonly used to handle user input and respond to events and messages generated by the user. Worker threads are commonly used to complete tasks, such as recalculation, that do not require user input. The Win32 API does not distinguish between types of threads; it just needs to know the thread's starting address so it can begin to execute the thread. MFC handles user-interface threads specially by supplying a message pump for events in the user interface. CWinApp is an example of a user-interface thread object, as it derives from CWinThread and handles events and messages generated by the user.

Special attention should be given to situations where more than one thread may require access to the same object. The article Multithreading: Programming Tips describes techniques you can use to get around problems that may arise in these situations. The article Multithreading: How to Use the Synchronization Classes describes how to use the classes that are available to synchronize access from multiple threads to a single object.

Writing and debugging multithreaded programming is inherently a complicated and tricky undertaking, as you must ensure that objects are not accessed by more than one thread at a time. The articles in the Multithreading group do not teach the basics of multithreaded programming, only how to use MFC in your multithreaded program. The multithreaded MFC samples included in Visual C++ illustrate a few multithreaded Adding Functionality and Win32 APIs not encompassed by MFC, but are only intended to be a starting point.

Multithreading: Programming Tips

Multithreaded applications require stricter care than single-threaded applications when accessing data. Because there are multiple, independent paths of execution in use simultaneously in multithreaded applications, either the algorithms, the data, or both must be aware that data could be used by more than one thread at a time. This article explains techniques for avoiding potential problems when programming multithreaded applications with the Microsoft Foundation Class Library (MFC).

Accessing Objects from Multiple Threads

For size and performance reasons, MFC objects are not thread-safe at the object level, only at the class level. This means that you can have two separate threads manipulating two different CString objects, but not two threads manipulating the same CString object. If you absolutely must have multiple threads manipulating the same object, protect such access with appropriate Win32 synchronization mechanisms, such as critical sections. For more information on critical sections and other related objects, see Synchronization in the Platform SDK.

The class library uses critical sections internally to protect global data structures, such as those used by the debug memory allocation.

Accessing MFC Objects from Non-MFC Threads

If you have a multithreaded application that creates a thread in a way other than using a CWinThread object, you cannot access other MFC objects from that thread. In other words, if you want to access any MFC object from a secondary thread, you must create that thread with one of the methods described in the Multithreading: Creating User-Interface Threads or Multithreading: Creating Worker Threads articles. These methods are the only ones that allow the class library to initialize the internal variables necessary to handle multithreaded applications.

Windows Handle Maps

As a general rule, a thread can access only MFC objects that it created. This is because temporary and permanent Windows handle maps are kept in thread local storage to ensure protection from simultaneous access from multiple threads. For example, a worker thread cannot perform a calculation and then call a document's UpdateAllViews member function to have the windows that contain views on the new data modified. This will have no effect at all, because the map from CWnd objects to HWNDs is local to the primary thread. This means that one thread may have a mapping from a Windows handle to a C++ object, but another thread may map that same handle to a different C++ object. Changes made in one thread would not be reflected in the other.

There are several ways around this problem. The first is to pass individual handles (such as an HWND) rather than C++ objects to the worker thread. The worker thread then adds these objects to its temporary map by calling the appropriate FromHandle member function. You could also add the object to the thread's permanent map by calling Attach, but this should be done only if you are guaranteed that the object will exist longer than the thread.

Another method is to create new user-defined messages corresponding to the different tasks your worker threads will be performing and post these messages to the application's main window using ::PostMessage. This method of communication is similar to two different applications conversing except that both threads are executing in the same address space.

Communicating Between Threads

MFC provides a number of classes that allow threads to synchronize access to objects to maintain thread safety. Usage of these classes is described in the articles Multithreading: How to Use the Synchronization Classes and Multithreading: When to Use the Synchronization Classes. More information on these objects can be found in Synchronization in the Platform SDK.

Multithreading: Creating User-Interface Threads

A user-interface thread is commonly used to handle user input and respond to user events independently of threads executing other portions of the application. The main application thread (provided in your CWinApp-derived class) is already created and started for you. This article describes the steps necessary to create additional user-interface threads.

The first thing you must do when creating a user-interface thread is derive a class from CWinThread. You must declare and implement this class, using the DECLARE_DYNCREATE and IMPLEMENT_DYNCREATE macros. This class must override some functions, and can override others. These functions and what they should do are presented in the following table.

Functions to Override When Creating a User-Interface Thread

Function name



Perform cleanup when thread terminates. Usually overridden.


Perform thread instance initialization. Must be overridden.


Perform thread-specific idle-time processing. Not usually overridden.


Filter messages before they are dispatched to TranslateMessage and DispatchMessage. Not usually overridden.


Intercept unhandled exceptions thrown by the thread's message and command handlers. Not usually overridden.


Controlling function for the thread. Contains the message pump. Rarely overridden.

MFC provides two versions of AfxBeginThread through parameter overloading: one for user-interface threads and the other for worker threads. To start your user-interface thread, call AfxBeginThread, providing the following information:

  • The RUNTIME_CLASS of the class you derived from CWinThread.
  • (Optional) The desired priority level. The default is normal priority. For more information on the available priority levels, see SetThreadPriority in the Platform SDK.
  • (Optional) The desired stack size for the thread. The default is the same size stack as the creating thread.
  • (Optional) CREATE_SUSPENDED if you want the thread to be created in a suspended state. The default is 0, or start the thread normally.
  • (Optional) The desired security attributes. The default is the same access as the parent thread. For more information on the format of this security information, see SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES in the Platform SDK.

AfxBeginThread does most of the work for you. It creates a new object of your class, initializes it with the information you supply, and calls CWinThread::CreateThread to start executing the thread. Checks are made throughout the procedure to make sure all objects are deallocated properly should any part of the creation fail.

Multithreading: Creating Worker Threads

A worker thread is commonly used to handle background tasks that the user shouldn't have to wait for to continue using your application. Tasks such as recalculation and background printing are good examples of worker threads. This article details the steps necessary to create a worker thread. Topics include:

Creating a worker thread is a relatively simple task. Only two steps are required to get your thread running: implementing the controlling function and starting the thread. It is not necessary to derive a class from CWinThread. You can if you need a special version of CWinThread, but it is not required for most simple worker threads. You can use CWinThread without modification.

Starting the Thread

There are two overloaded versions of AfxBeginThread: one for user-interface threads and one for worker threads. To begin execution of your worker thread, call AfxBeginThread providing the following information:

  • The address of the controlling function.
  • The parameter to be passed to the controlling function.
  • (Optional) The desired priority of the thread. The default is normal priority. For more information on the available priority levels, see SetThreadPriority in the Platform SDK.
  • (Optional) The desired stack size for the thread. The default is the same size stack as the creating thread.
  • (Optional) CREATE_SUSPENDED if you want the thread to be created in a suspended state. The default is 0, or start the thread normally.
  • (Optional) The desired security attributes. The default is the same access as the parent thread. For more information on the format of this security information, see SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES in the Platform SDK.

AfxBeginThread creates and initializes a CWinThread object for you, starts it, and returns its address so you can refer to it later. Checks are made throughout the procedure to make sure all objects are deallocated properly should any part of the creation fail.

Implementing the Controlling Function

The controlling function defines the thread. When this function is entered, the thread starts, and when it exits, the thread terminates. This function should have the following prototype:

UINT MyControllingFunction( LPVOID pParam );

The parameter is a single 32-bit value. The value the function receives in this parameter is the value that was passed to the constructor when the thread object was created. The controlling function can interpret this value in any manner it chooses. It can be treated as a scalar value, or a pointer to a structure containing multiple parameters, or it can be ignored. If the parameter refers to a structure, the structure can be used not only to pass data from the caller to the thread, but also to pass data back from the thread to the caller. If you use such a structure to pass data back to the caller, the thread will need to notify the caller when the results are ready. For information on communicating from the worker thread to the caller, see the article Multithreading: Programming Tips.

When the function terminates, it should return a UINT value indicating the reason for termination. Typically, this exit code is 0 to indicate success with other values indicating different types of errors. This is purely implementation dependent. Some threads may maintain usage counts of objects, and return the current number of uses of that object. To se e how applications can retrieve this value, see the article Multithreading: Terminating Threads.

There are some restrictions on what you can do in a multithreaded program written with the Microsoft Foundation Class Library. For descriptions of these restrictions and other tips on using threads, see the article Multithreading: Programming Tips.

Controlling Function Example

This example shows how to define a controlling function and use it from another portion of the program.

UINT MyThreadProc( LPVOID pParam )


CMyObject* pObject = (CMyObject*)pParam;

if (pObject == NULL ||


return 1; // if pObject is not valid

// do something with 'pObject'

return 0; // thread completed successfully


// inside a different function in the program




pNewObject = new CMyObject;

AfxBeginThread(MyThreadProc, pNewObject);




Multithreading: How to Use the Synchronization Classes

Synchronizing resource access between threads is a common problem when writing multithreaded applications. Having two or more threads simultaneously access the same data can lead to undesirable and unpredictable results. For example, one thread could be updating the contents of a structure while another thread is reading the contents of the same structure. It is unknown what data the reading thread will receive: the old data, the newly written data, or possibly a mixture of both. MFC provides a number of synchronization and synchronization access classes to aid in solving this problem. This article explains the classes available and how to use them to create thread-safe classes in a typical multithreaded application.

A typical multithreaded application has a class that represents a resource to be shared among threads. A properly designed, fully thread-safe class does not require you to call any synchronization functions. Everything is handled internally to the class, allowing you to concentrate on how to best use the class, not about how it might get corrupted. The best technique for creating a fully thread-safe class is to merge the synchronization class into the resource class. Merging the synchronization classes into the shared class is a straightforward process.

As an example, take an application that maintains a linked list of accounts. This application allows up to three accounts to be examined in separate windows, but only one can be updated at any particular time. When an account is updated, the updated data is sent over the network to a data archive.

This example application uses all three types of synchronization classes. Because it allows up to three accounts to be examined at one time, it uses CSemaphore to limit access to three view objects. When an attempt to view a fourth account occurs, the application either waits until one of the first three windows closes or it fails. When an account is updated, the application uses CCriticalSection to ensure that only one account is updated at a time. After the update succeeds, it signals CEvent, which releases a thread waiting for the event to be signaled. This thread sends the new data to the data archive.

Designing a Thread-Safe Class

To make a class fully thread-safe, first add the appropriate synchronization class to the shared classes as a data member. In the previous account-management example, a CSemaphore data member would be added to the view class, a CCriticalSection data member would be added to the linked-list class, and a CEvent data member would be added to the data storage class.

Next, add synchronization calls to all member functions that modify the data in the class or access a controlled resource. In each function, you should create either a CSingleLock or CMultiLock object and call that object's Lock function. When the lock object goes out of scope and is destroyed, the object's destructor calls Unlock for you, releasing the resource. Of course, you can call Unlock directly if you wish.

Designing your thread-safe class in this fashion allows it to be used in a multithreaded application as easily as a non-thread-safe class, but with complete safety. Encapsulating the synchronization object and synchronization access object into the resource's class provides all the benefits of fully thread-safe programming without the drawback of maintaining synchronization code.

The following code example demonstrates this method by using a data member, m_CritSection (of type CCriticalSection), declared in the shared resource class and a CSingleLock object. The synchronization of the shared resource (derived from CWinThread) is attempted by creating a CSingleLock object using the address of the m_CritSection object. An attempt is made to lock the resource and, once obtained, work is done on the shared object. Once the work is finished, the resource is unlocked with a call to Unlock.

CSingleLock singleLock(&m_CritSection);


// resource locked

//.usage of shared resource...


Note CCriticalSection, unlike other MFC synchronization classes, does not have the option of a timed lock request. The waiting period for a thread to become free is infinite.

The drawbacks to this approach are that the class will be slightly slower than the same class without the synchronization objects added. Also, if there is a chance that more than one thread may delete the object, the merged approach might not always work. In this situation, it is better to maintain separate synchronization objects.

For example code that uses the synchronization classes, see the MFC sample programs MTGDI and MUTEXES. These and other MFC sample programs can be found in Visual C++ Samples.

For information on determining which synchronization class to use in different situations, see the article Multithreading: When to Use the Synchronization Classes. For more information on synchronization, see Synchronization in the Platform SDK. For more information on multithreading support in MFC, see the article Multithreading with C++ and MFC.

Multithreading: Terminating Threads

Two normal situations cause a thread to terminate: The controlling function exits or the thread is not allowed to run to completion. If a word processor used a thread for background printing, the controlling function would terminate normally if printing completed successfully. Should the user wish to cancel the printing, however, the background printing thread would have to be terminated prematurely. This article explains both how to implement each situation and how to get the exit code of a thread after it terminates.

Normal Thread Termination

For a worker thread, normal thread termination is simple: Exit the controlling function and return a value that signifies the reason for termination. You can use either the AfxEndThread function or a return statement. Typically, 0 signifies successful completion, but that is up to you.

For a user-interface thread, the process is just as simple: from within the user-interface thread, call PostQuitMessage in the Platform SDK. The only parameter that PostQuitMessage takes is the exit code of the thread. As for worker threads, 0 typically signifies successful completion.

Premature Thread Termination

Terminating a thread prematurely is almost as simple: Call AfxEndThread from within the thread. Pass the desired exit code as the only parameter. This stops execution of the thread, deallocates the thread's stack, detaches all DLLs attached to the thread, and deletes the thread object from memory.

AfxEndThread must be called from within the thread to be terminated. If you want to terminate a thread from another thread, you must set up a communication method between the two threads.

Retrieving the Exit Code of a Thread

To get the exit code of either the worker or the user-interface thread, call the GetExitCodeThread function. For information about this function, see the Platform SDK. This function takes the handle to the thread (stored in the m_hThread data member of CWinThread objects) and the address of a DWORD.

If the thread is still active, GetExitCodeThread will place STILL_ACTIVE in the supplied DWORD address; otherwise, the exit code is placed in this address.

Retrieving the exit code of CWinThread objects takes an extra step. By default, when a CWinThread thread terminates, the thread object is deleted. This means you cannot access the m_hThread data member because the CWinThread object no longer exists. To avoid this situation, do one of the following two things:

  • Set the m_bAutoDelete data member to FALSE. This allows the CWinThread object to survive after the thread has been terminated. You can then access the m_hThread data member after the thread has been terminated. If you use this technique, however, you are responsible for destroying the CWinThread object as the framework will not automatically delete it for you. This is the preferred method.


  • Store the thread's handle separately. After the thread is created, copy its m_hThread data member (using ::DuplicateHandle) to another variable and access it through that variable. This way the object is deleted automatically upon termination and you can still find out why the thread terminated. Be careful that the thread does not terminate before you can duplicate the handle. The safest way to do this is to pass CREATE_SUSPENDED to AfxBeginThread, store the handle, and then resume the thread by calling ResumeThread.

Either method allows you to determine why a CWinThread object terminated.

Multithreading: When to Use the Synchronization Classes

The six multithreaded classes provided with MFC fall into two categories: synchronization objects (CSyncObject, CSemaphore, CMutex, CCriticalSection, and CEvent) and synchronization access objects (CMultiLock and CSingleLock).

Synchronization classes are used when access to a resource must be controlled to ensure integrity of the resource. Synchronization access classes are used to gain access to these controlled resources. This article describes when to use each class.

To determine which synchronization class you should use, ask the following series of questions:

  1. Does the application have to wait for something to happen before it can access the resource (for example, data must be received from a communications port before it can be written to a file)?

If yes, use CEvent.

  1. Can more than one thread within the same application access this resource at one time (for example, your application allows up to five windows with views on the same document)?

If yes, use CSemaphore.

  1. Can more than one application use this resource (for example, the resource is in a DLL)?

If yes, use CMutex.

If no, use CCriticalSection.

CSyncObject is never used directly. It is the base class for the other four synchronization classes.

Example 1: Using Three Synchronization Classes

As an example, take an application that maintains a linked list of accounts. This application allows up to three accounts to be examined in separate windows, but only one can be updated at any particular time. When an account is updated, the updated data is sent over the network to a data archive.

This example application uses all three types of synchronization classes. Because it allows up to three accounts to be examined at one time, it uses CSemaphore to limit access to three view objects. When an attempt to view a fourth account occurs, the application either waits until one of the first three windows closes or it fails. When an account is updated, the application uses CCriticalSection to ensure that only one account is updated at a time. After the update succeeds, it signals CEvent, which releases a thread waiting for the event to be signaled. This thread sends the new data to the data archive.

Example 2: Using Synchronization Access Classes

Choosing which synchronization access class to use is even simpler. If your application is concerned with accessing a single controlled resource only, use CSingleLock. If it needs access to any one of a number of controlled resources, use CMultiLock. In example 1, CSingleLock would have been used, as in each case only one resource was needed at any particular time.

For example code that uses the synchronization classes, see the MFC sample programs MTGDI and MUTEXES. These and other MFC sample programs can be found in Visual C++ Samples.

For information on how the synchronization classes are used, see the article Multithreading: How to Use the Synchronization Classes. For more information on synchronization, see Synchronization in the Platform SDK. For more information on multithreading support in MFC, see the article Multithreading with C++ and MFC.


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