Tuesday, February 20, 2007

ODBC settting for UNIDATA

From OLDB.pdf

To access a remote database on a different platform, you must add an entry to the
configuration file. For example, if the remote system you want to access is named
hq1 and the account path is /usr/myacct, make up a data source name such as corp1
and add the data source definition to uci.config as follows:

SERVICE = udserver
HOST = hq1
ACCOUNT = /usr/myacct
USERNAME = myloginname

The ACCOUNT parameter can be set to any one of the following:
1) The full path to a UniData or UniVerse account.
2) A valid UniVerse schema name.
3) A valid UniData database name.
A UniData database name is valid if it appears as an entry in the ud_database file. For
UNIX systems, this file is located in the /usr/udnn/include path, where nn is the
release of UniData you are running. For Windows platforms, it is located in
\udthome\include. For examples of database entries in the ud_database file, see
Chapter 3, “Accessing UniData Data.”

Note: If you modify uci.config by using a text editor, make sure you surround the
equal signs with spaces.

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